Athene House Venue Hire Croydon

13 Addiscombe Grove, Croydon CR0 5LR

Are you looking for venue hire in Croydon? Either for a retreat for a writer's weekend, an elegant and comfortable setting for a family break, or a beautiful room for your Yoga or Tai Chi group? Athene House could be just the place you are looking for.

Hiring Rooms in Athene House


“The Spirit in you and the Spirit in the Universe is one and the same. Realise this and you will find Freedom.”



Athene House,
13 Addiscombe Grove,
(5 minutes’ walk from East Croydon Station)
[email protected]
For further details or to arrange visit, please call: 07956 817654.
The School of Philosophy and Economic Science has public liability insurance, however groups are advised to consider the nature of the event and if necessary take out their own insurance if the event contains risk. Groups are required in any event to conduct a risk assessment and send a copy to the Steward.

Ground Floor: Main Hall (G2)


Dimensions 9.5 x 6.8m (65m2).

There is seating for up to 40 people.

Features: Canadian Maple sprung floor, ideal for dance, yoga, Tai Chi etc.  Attractive lobby with bench seating and glazed doors to garden.


Ground Floor: Inner Hall (G3)


Dimensions 4.3 x 6.6m (28m2).

There is seating for up to 20 people.

Features: Canadian Maple sprung floor, ideal for yoga, Tai Chi etc.


Ground Floor: Main Hall and Inner Hall (G2 & G3) combined (by drawing back folding doors)


Dimensions 9.5 x 6.8m and 4.3 x 6.6m (93m2).

There is seating for up to 60 people.

Features: Canadian Maple sprung floor, ideal for yoga, Tai Chi etc. Attractive lobby with bench seating and glazed doors to garden.


Ground Floor: Front Room (G4)


Dimensions 4.4 x 4.4m (19m2).

There is seating for up to 12 people.

Features: Carpeted floor, original Victorian fireplace and bay window.

First Floor: Room (1.2)

Dimensions 4.8 x 4.5m (21m2).

There is seating for up to 12 people.

Features: Carpeted floor and bay window.

First Floor: Oriel Room (1.4)

Dimensions 3.8 x 5.0m (19m2).

There is seating for up to 12 people.

Features: Carpeted floor and oriel window.


Athene House,

13 Addiscombe Grove, Croydon CR0 5LR

Registered charity no: 313115

For further details

Introductory Courses

The courses have limited spaces and can get fully booked up in advance, so to save disappointment it is advisable to reserve your place on the next course well in advance.

Choose your preferred course below...


Many of our students tell us how life transformational our courses are.

So as a way of giving back and making our transformational ‘Introductory 10-week course’ affordable for as many people as possible, we are allowing you to enrol for this ‘FULL 10-week Introductory Course’ for…

…only £25, nothing more to pay!

(The equivalent of £2.50 per week).

Please note: This offer gives you a risk-free opportunity to experience our transformational courses first-hand. NOTE: Due to this low introductory pricing these introductory courses do tend to get fully enrolled in advance.